川流之魄 ─ 徐明豐2018個展
Movements of the Soul”- Hsu Ming-feng Solo Exhibition 2018
文/ 徐婉禎
Article by Woan-Jen HSU
“Movements of the Soul” refers to the halt, restlessness, overflow, and eternal quality of the soul amid the flow of time and space, at ease for all eternity.
What is the meaning of life? The human life can be seen as nothing more than a collection of time and space. Human beings are constantly moving between the past and present, standing amid time and space that is connected but separate at the same time. Amongst the layering of time and space, human beings are like embodiments, a form of existence. “Movements of the Soul” is a display of the human condition.
The other colors seem to be fighting the last battle with the black hue. The low-saturated but vibrant colors strive to cover the composition, resembling the mist in distant skies, forming an ever-changing cover. However, the cover reveals the force lying behind, which does not wish to be concealed, agitating restlessly in their state of suppression as the instinct of liveliness overflows.
What is the meaning of life? The human life is definitely more than a collection of time and space. The human life should be the soul, moving amid time and space, breaking free from the chains of darkness and unmoved by the lure of activity, penetrating the dreamlike scenery of this world and moving at ease between the forces of concealing and revealing. Through becoming “Movements of the Soul,” the human life achieves utmost freedom and eternity.