《旅路9》白田誉主也個展 TABIJI 9 — Hakuta Yoshuya Solo Exhibition

大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery
4 min readOct 1, 2024




Everyone living in this world is a traveler, including animals.

隨著年末的腳步逼近,大雋藝術榮幸呈獻藝術家白田誉主也的個展 — — 《旅路9》。本展覽不僅是一次視覺的饗宴,亦是深層心靈的探索。生命本身是一段不息的旅程,隨著時間推移流轉,我們得以深入觀察、體驗並領悟其中的價值與美好。數字9不僅標誌藝術家在台灣生活的第九年,更象徵著時間的概念及循環。我們誠邀您在藝術家的引領下,通過其畫作中所描繪的動物群象及其精神特質,一同感受生命的流動與節奏。

As the year draws to a close, Rich Art Gallery is honored to present the solo exhibition of artist Hakuta Yoshuya — TABIJI 9. This exhibition is not only a visual feast but also a profound exploration of the inner self. Life itself is an ongoing journey, and as time progresses, it is through time that we can witness, feel, and recognize its worth and beauty. The number 9 not only marks the artist’s ninth year living in Taiwan but also symbolizes the concept and cycle of time. Through the artist’s guidance, we kindly extend a warm invitation to everyone to ponder life’s mysteries via the spiritual attributes presented by animals within the canvases.

「生活在這個世界上的每個人都是旅行者」,這理念不僅適用於人類,同樣深刻地體現在動物生命經歷中。藝術家以其獨特手法 — — 在傳統日本和紙上運用膠彩及多種箔類,細膩地描繪動物肌理,為作品注入豐富層次感。他栩栩如生地呈現動物們英姿颯爽、神采奕奕的風貌。面對命運,動物從不逃避,而是攜手同伴,勇於面對挑戰、克服困境,邁向未知旅程。

“Everyone living in this world is a traveler”, this concept applies not only to humans but also deeply mirrors the experiences of animals. Through the use of traditional Japanese washi paper, Asian gouache pigments, and a variety of foils, Hakuta skillfully captures the textures of animals with a distinct style that gives his paintings depth and richness. He portrays animals in all their majesty and energy with vividness. Animals never back down from a challenge posed by fate. Rather, they heroically face obstacles and overcome misfortune with their companions as they bravely venture into the unknown.


The animals in Hakuta’s works convey subtle messages through their body language, creating space for deeper imagination. He hopes that viewers can sense the spirit, character, and vitality of these animals and merge them with their own life experiences to evoke inner resonance. This exhibition aims to inspire viewers to, like animals, conquer their inner fears, hold fast to their faith, and face life with a fearless, adventurous spirit. Each person, on their unique journey, experiences the rich rewards life offers in their own way. TABIJI 9 also provides an opportunity for viewers to reflect on their own journey, contemplating the direction and meaning of life. Rich Art Gallery sincerely invites art lovers from all walks of life to embark on this journey of exploration, where art and life beautifully intertwine.


旅 150x300cm 麻紙、アルミ箔、落水紙、水干絵具 Asian Gouache Painting, Japanese Paper, Aluminum foil 2024


The latest three-meter artwork, Journey, features five horses moving together in unison, set against a dramatic black background. This powerful piece captures the sensation of setting off on an unknown adventure, often resulting in feelings of dissatisfaction, anxiety, and uncertainty. During these challenging times, what we need most is unwavering faith and the support of our companions. This sense of unity fuels our hope that the journey will eventually lead us to our intended destination. Hakuta masterfully illustrates the importance of perseverance and solidarity in the face of adversity, painting a vision of hope and confidence for the future.



Hakuta Yoshuya was born in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, in 1984, and received an art doctorate degree in Fine Art and Design from the University of Tsukuba, in 2012. His artworks focus on animal themes, using traditional Japanese paper as the base material. Asian Gouache paints and metallic papers are then applied to enhance details and textures, intricately depicting the textures of the animals themselves, giving them a natural, three-dimensional, and translucent appearance. Hakuta’s works have been exhibited across Europe and Asia, and the artist has been invited to hold solo exhibitions in various fine art museums, including the Sato Taisei Memorial Art Museum, Akita Museum of Art, and Ueno Royal Museum. Hakuta Yoshuya was also recommended at the 2016 VOCA exhibition and was the recipient of the Kahoku Award at the 77th Kahoku Art Exhibition and the best research award at the University of Tsukuba. The artist’s works have been collected by art institutions including Sato Taisei Memorial Museum and the Kitakata City Museum of Art.

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《旅路9》-白田誉主也個展 TABIJI 9 — Hakuta Yoshuya Solo Exhibition

開幕茶會 Opening Reception|09.28 Sat. 14:30

日期 Date|2024.09.28 Sat. — 12.7 Sat.

時間 Time|週二至週日11:00–19:00 (週一公休Mon. Closed)

地點Venue|大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery (408台中市南屯區惠文路489號)

♘ 展覽專頁 Exhibition Website https://artemperor.tw/tidbits/16989



大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery
大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery

Written by 大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery

大雋藝術2015年11月在台中成立 Rich Art Gallery (DA JUN ARTS LTD.) based in Taichung City is established in 2015.

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