In Between: Ephemeral Beauty轉瞬之美
Cathy Tabbakh & Angela Witmore 雙人聯展
大雋藝術榮幸呈獻《In Between: Ephemeral Beauty 轉瞬之美》 — — 由法國藝術家Cathy Tabbakh與美國藝術家Angela Witmore所帶來的雙人聯展,展期為2024年12月14日至2025年2月23日。兩位藝術家攜手大雋藝術,以詩意為年度劃下句點,並於新年伊始,邀請觀者凝視時間的流逝,深入反思日常生活中每個珍貴瞬間。
Rich Art Gallery is honored to present In Between: Ephemeral Beauty, a two-person exhibition featuring French artist Cathy Tabbakh and American artist Angela Witmore. This exhibition, running from December 14th, 2024, to February 23rd, 2025, marks the poetic conclusion of the year and ushers in the new one, inviting viewers to reflect on the passage of time and the preciousness of fleeting moments in daily life.
展名「In Between」極簡而恰如其分地傳達展覽的核心意涵:置身於靜與動之間、自然與生活的交匯處,展現出兩位藝術家在作品中的深刻對話。「Ephemeral Beauty」進一步強調作品所捕捉的瞬息之美,象徵著生活中那些轉瞬即逝的瞬間與情感。此次展覽提供充滿想像的解讀空間,讓每位觀者都能在這場展覽中找到屬於自己的情感共鳴。
The title In Between elegantly encapsulates the essence of the exhibition: existing within the space between stillness and movement, between nature and human experience, it offers a profound dialogue between the works of the two artists. The addition of Ephemeral Beauty further highlights the transient beauty captured in their art, symbolizing those delicate and fleeting moments and emotions that often pass unnoticed. This exhibition creates a rich space for interpretation, inviting each viewer to discover their own personal resonance within its quiet, yet powerful narrative.
Cathy Tabbakh 的作品乍看之下靜謐而和諧,卻深藏著動態感與生命力。她專注於植物「似乎在不斷舞動」的姿態,透過細膩的色彩運用與光影交錯,將自然界的景象轉化為充滿生機的視覺體驗。Tabbakh 的藝術精神呼應一句常被歸於亨利·馬蒂斯(Henri Matisse)的名言:「我不想描繪一朵花,而是讓它綻放。」其創作正是這份情感的寫照 — — 她捕捉超越表象的自然生命力,通過花瓶中生機勃勃的植物,她在靜止的畫面中凝聚了自然的生命力,精準捕捉每片葉子的陰影與輪廓,流露出生命的脈動,賦予作品一種靜中有動的視覺張力。
Cathy Tabbakh’s paintings may appear serene at first glance, yet they pulse with an underlying vitality and movement. Her work focuses on the “seemingly ever-dancing” forms of plants, transforming them through the nuanced interplay of color and light. Tabbakh’s art is a reflection of the quote often attributed to Henri Matisse — “I do not paint a flower, but rather make it bloom,” encapsulating a similar ethos of capturing vitality beyond representation. Through this vision, she captures the life force of nature in the stillness of her canvases, meticulously tracing the shadows and contours of each leaf, imbuing her work with a dynamic tension between stillness and vitality.
相比之下,Angela Witmore的作品描繪日常生活中生機勃勃的美好瞬間,卻彷彿被按下暫停鍵,靜止於畫布上。她透過人物的誇張形態與戲劇性比例,探索身體的變化與動態,並進一步展現了生命經歷中的無聲力量。呼應古斯塔夫·克里姆特(Gustav Klimt)對藝術的真實觀點 — — 「藝術是生命的延伸」,Witmore的畫作猶如一扇窗,透過畫面中的生活痕跡,呈現出珍貴的瞬間記憶。她細膩而溫暖的筆觸捕捉了那些微妙而深刻的時刻,深刻展現了繁忙生活與內心世界之間的微妙平衡。那一瞬間的靜止升華為藝術,讓觀者在凝固的畫面中感受到生命的脈動。
In contrast, Angela Witmore’s paintings capture the vibrant energy of everyday life, freezing it in time. Through exaggerated forms and dramatic proportions of her figures, she delves into the evolving dynamics of the human body and its emotional landscape, further revealing the silent power within life’s experiences. Echoing Gustav Klimt’s artistic perspectives — “Art is the extension of life” — Witmore’s works serve as intimate windows into the traces of life, tenderly capturing fleeting memories. Her delicate and warm brushstrokes capture subtle and profound instances, showcasing the delicate balance between the busy external world and the inner self. In these still moments, she elevates life into art, allowing the viewer to feel the pulse of life within the frozen image.
此次展覽不僅展現兩位藝術家以各自獨特的方式捕捉瞬息萬變的片刻,更是生命深層對話在畫布上的交融。展覽體現人類經驗的本質 — — 瞬間的美、深刻的聯結,以及對時間流逝的覺察。當我們穿行於生活中時,應學會慶祝這些時刻,即使是最短暫的凝視,也能在心中留下不可磨滅的印記。隨著新年的到來,《In Between: Ephemeral Beauty》呈現出動靜之間的微妙對話與深刻的人生哲學,邀請觀者在年末時光重新審視那些常被忽略的美好瞬間,感受動態的韻律,並在繁忙的生活中尋找一絲靜謐的詩意。
This exhibition is a tribute to the artists’ distinctive ability to capture the delicate beauty of fleeting moments, creating a dialogue that extends beyond the canvas. It delves into the heart of human experience — ephemeral beauty, profound connection, and the subtle awareness of time’s inevitable passage. In the rush of daily life, we often overlook these transient instances, yet it is precisely in these fleeting moments that we discover enduring meaning. In Between: Ephemeral Beauty invites viewers to pause, reflect, and rediscover the beauty of the overlooked, offering a rare opportunity to feel the rhythm of life in both its motion and stillness, while contemplating the deeper poetry of existence.
In Between: Ephemeral Beauty 轉瞬之美 —— 雙人聯展
⚘ 藝術家 Artists|Cathy Tabbakh & Angela Witmore
⚘ 日期 Date|2024.12.14 Sat. — 2025.02.23 Sun.
⚘ 時間 Time|週二至週日11:00–19:00 (週一公休Mon. Closed)
⚘ 地點Venue|大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery (408台中市南屯區惠文路489號)
⚘ 展覽專頁 Exhibition Website