Covered Faces, Uncovered Stories: 曹圭訓個展

大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery
4 min readNov 24, 2023


2023 Jo Gyuhun Solo Exhibition

文|大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery


What are the hidden stories and thoughts of those characters who conceal their faces with their hands? Could they be reminiscing about the rain at nightfall or breathtaking glimmers of fireworks as every situation narrates emotional moments of love; a heroic villain or a youngster caught between imagination and reality may be, each one has their own unique fantasies. Let’s transcend beyond the external sense and break free from the limitation of the physical world to see the universe within our hearts.


Rich Art is very honored to host the Korean artist, Jo Gyuhun’s first solo exhibition in Taiwan. The exhibition will feature Jo Gyuhun’s unique creative vocabulary through various art mediums, including two-dimensional paintings, three-dimensional sculptures, and video installations. From the children’s perspective, the world is like a playground for hide-and-seek. Through their covered eyes, what do they see? What do they intend to express? Every artwork presents a distinctive character’s incomplete face, inviting viewers to use their imagination to discover the simple joy hidden within. This creates the potential for various narrative developments based on different viewers’ viewpoints and emotions, akin to an endlessly engaging guessing game. The exhibition is from September 23rd to December 2nd. We sincerely invite everyone to come and join us on this wondrous journey.


Jo Gyuhun made his debut in video installations, using the screen of a cathode-ray tube television to display a series of animated pieces derived from original artwork. By combining imagery with physical objects, he aimed to explore new narrative possibilities while providing a rich and varied experience for the viewers

創作靈感 Inspiration

捂臉小孩是曹圭訓的經典創作母題,靈感來自大學時期偶然看到的一支音樂動畫錄影帶(現已散佚),背景播放著The Flashbulb的《If Trees Can Speak》,片尾出現了一位長髮襲身、著白衫的女孩,雙手摀著臉哭泣,短短幾秒鐘,那份對空靈純粹的美的感動仍歷歷在目,遂成為藝術家的繆斯女神。簡單肢體語言,蘊含多重意向,曹圭訓引用日常生活各種觸發他心緒的事物,希望大家都能透過他筆下鮮活的形象塑造及情節鋪敘,發揮想像力,感受到他第一次見到女孩時的那份悸動及快樂。

Children with Covered Faces is Jo Gyuhun’s primary creative motif. It was inspired by a music animation video (it has been lost now) that he stumbled upon during college, with The Flashbulb’s “If Trees Can Speak” playing in the background. At the end of the video, a girl with long hair and a white shirt covered her face with her hands and wept. The image of this ethereal and pure beauty left a lasting impression on Jo Gyuhun in a flash and became his Muse. He believes that simple body language can convey multiple intentions. Jo Gyuhun draws from his daily life experiences that trigger his emotions as creating material for his artworks. He hopes everyone can use their imagination and feel the same affection and joy that he felt when he first saw the girl in the video through his vivid creative image and narrative.

曹圭訓簡介 About the artist

曹圭訓1982年出生於韓國仁川,韓瑞大學視覺動畫學士畢業,現居仁川。2015年起作品於首爾、釜山、京畿道、巴黎與上海等地畫廊合作展示,並參展釜山國際藝術博覽會、Seoul Art Show等韓國指標性藝術博覽會,2022年攜手大雋藝術進行在台創作發表計畫。

Born in Incheon, Korea, in 1982, Jo Gyuhun graduated from Hanseo University with a bachelor’s degree in Animation. He is currently based in his birth city and has showcased his works in galleries across Seoul, Busan, Gyeonggi-do, Paris, and Shanghai since 2015. His artwork has also been featured at prestigious art fairs in Korea, such as the Busan International Art Fair and Seoul Art Show. In 2022, Jo Gyuhun began to work with Rich Art for his artwork exhibitions in Taiwan.

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大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery
大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery

Written by 大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery

大雋藝術2015年11月在台中成立 Rich Art Gallery (DA JUN ARTS LTD.) based in Taichung City is established in 2015.

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