Floating flowers 一瞬の永遠
文| 白田誉主也 Article by Hakuta Yoshuya
What does happiness mean for animals?
Spending entire lifetimes within enclosed spaces? Living a life that is dominated and managed by others with nothing but a sense of imaginary freedom? What do they need? What are their hearts’ desires? These are the things I am constantly thinking about but can never find answers to.
Therefore, I hope that, at least in my works, I will be able to hear their hearts’ desires, move closer to their ideal states, and fulfill their wishes.
When the flowers float, the visions of the animals are enlightened, allowing them to enjoy fleeting freedom. The artist captures the fleeting moment of light and color and elevates them into eternity with the hope that viewers will be able to immerse in the magical land and experience tranquility and harmony.
Parts of the animals’ bodies are covered with flowers, resembling plants nibbled by insects. The plants and insects present an ambiguous relationship.
They seem to break free from the constraints of the world, and their souls are set free. I capture the spirit of the animals through minimal visual language and guides viewers in savoring the changes in their lives and moments of happiness.
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