The Journey of Fluffies — Group Exhibition 四人聯展
The Journey of Fluffies — Group Exhibition 四人聯展
文|大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery
In the course of history, animals have played a vital role in human civilization, influencing and responding to human life in various ways deeply rooted in our culture. Art has served as a witness to this relationship. However, the once sacred and revered status of animals has evolved into “economic resources” due to industrial and technological advancements, posing unprecedented challenges.
在迎萬物復甦的驚蟄時節,大雋藝術於3月2日至4月28日推出《The Journey of Fluffies》四人聯展,榮幸邀請到來自美、日、韓三國的藝術家Lucia Heffernan、白田誉主也、李素乙和李奈珍呈現其最新繪畫作品,以動物為起點,深入探討與之相關的議題。Lucia Heffernan及李奈珍畫中動物與人類行為天衣無縫的巧妙串聯,創造出饒富想像力的和諧國度;白田誉主也以動物團聚為概念發想,凸顯動物歸依自然、家人團聚的美妙,李素乙架空世界自「萬物有靈」觀點幻化而成動物守護神「Mr. Mimyohae」,皆表達對動物生存處境的深層關切。藝術家有意識地舒緩、重塑與環境之間的緊張關係,除了喚起觀者的生態意識,從多方角度思考人類在環境中的位置,更期許通過一系列充滿靈動生機的創作,開啟我們投懷自然的憧憬天性,敬邀你我一同踏上奇幻旅程,體驗身心在溫馨包裹中度過的歡愉時光!
Welcoming the revival of all things in the awakening spring, Rich Art presents the “The Journey of Fluffies”, a group exhibition from the 2nd of March to 28th of April. Featuring artists Lucia Heffernan, Hakuta Yoshuya, Lee Soeul and Lee Najin from the United States, Japan, and South Korea, the exhibition explores themes surrounding animals. Heffernan and Lee Najin seamlessly blend animals and human behavior in their paintings, created imaginative and harmonious realms. Hakuta Yoshuya draws inspiration from the concept of animal reunions, highlighting the beauty of animals returning to nature and the joy of family gatherings. Lee Soeul believes “everything has a spirit”, describing her worldview from the perspective of the mountain spirit, “Mr. Mimyohae”. These artists express a profound concern for animal well-being, purposefully easing the tense connection between art and the environment. Through lively and dynamic artworks, the exhibition aims to awaken our intrinsic connection to nature. We invite you to embark on this enchanting journey, immersing yourself in moments of joy and warmth for both mind and body!
𓆸 ⋄ Lucia Heffernan ⋄ 𓆰
“My body of work is an expression and exploration of my lifelong fascination with animals.” —— Lucia Heffernan
歡迎進入Lucia Heffernan所創造的詼諧世界,人類和動物界限在這裡已然消弭。試想,若動物像人一般的生活、工作、運動,將展現何種趣味橫生的行為呢? 藝術家將腦裡的狂想曲付諸畫筆,不僅賦予牠們擬人化的萌態,逗趣生動的肢體表情背後,更蘊含其中的天真和原始本能,觀者在會心一笑之餘也將感受情感共鳴。
Welcome to the humorous world that Lucia Heffernan created. Here, the lines separating humans and animals are blurred. How would animals behave if they had to work, exercise, and lead a life similar to ours when they were humans? Lucia Heffernan skillfully translates the fantasies of her imagination onto the canvas, personifying animals into “humans”, with adorable expressions. This results in amusing characters that deeply connect with viewers. Beneath the painting’s adorable and playful setting lies the animals’ innocence and primal instincts, which can resonate with humans on an emotional level.
如《Ready for the ball》可見樹枝上駐足了一對穿戴優雅有型的愛鳥,櫻花花瓣在四周翩翩起舞,慶祝與春天相遇的喜悅,作品投射人們渴望愛的連結,以及對永恆浪漫的不懈追求。
Ready for the ball — In this artwork, two lovebirds don classy black-tie attire, perched on a branch amidst falling cherry blossoms. It’s not just about birds — it’s about us. The scene mirrors our shared human experiences, the connection, and the timeless quest for enduring romance.
Lucia Heffernan 1966年出生於台灣,現居並工作於美國猶他州,1989年取得濱漢頓大學的藝術學士學位。以幽默奇想的人性化動物肖像擄獲全球藝術愛好者的喜愛,近五年廣受媒體邀訪,如《American Art Collector》、《富比士Forbes》、《Elle》雜誌等,作品曾展出於美國、歐洲、香港各地之藝術博覽會及畫廊,2024年攜手大雋藝術首度在台發表創作。
Lucia Heffernan was born in Taiwan in 1966 and currently lives and works in Utah, USA. In 1989, she received a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from Binghamton University. She is known for her playful and humorous humanized animal portraits, capturing the hearts of art enthusiasts worldwide. Over the past five years, she has been featured in various media interviews, including “American Art Collector,” “Forbes,” and “Elle” magazine. Her artworks have been exhibited at art fairs and galleries in the United States, Europe, and Hong Kong. In 2024, Lucia collaborates with Rich Art Gallery for the first time to showcase her artworks in Taiwan.
𓆸 ⋄白田誉主也 Hakuta Yoshuya⋄ 𓆰
Hakuta Yoshuya draws inspiration from the concept of animal reunions, highlighting the beauty of animals returning to nature and the joy of family gatherings.
Hakuta received an art doctorate degree in Fine Art and Design from the University of Tsukuba, in 2012. Hakuta’s works have been exhibited across Europe and Asia, and the artist has been invited to hold solo exhibitions in various fine art museums, including the Sato Taisei Memorial Art Museum, Akita Museum of Art, and Ueno Royal Museum. Hakuta Yoshuya was also recommended at the 2016 VOCA exhibition and was the recipient of the Kahoku Award at the 77th Kahoku Art Exhibition and the best research award at the University of Tsukuba. The artist’s works have been collected by art institutions including Sato Taisei Memorial Museum and the Kitakata City Museum of Art.
𓆸 ⋄ 李素乙 Lee Soeul(이소을) ⋄ 𓆰
天空蔚藍,白雲如絮,蓊鬱綠林與眾多動物和諧共棲在李素乙筆下引人入勝的平行宇宙,她以柔和的線條和豐富的色彩打造充滿想像力的畫面,營造出愉悅宜人的氛圍。其新作延續2022年開始的系列脈絡 — — 主角貓咪Iro踏上了新的旅程,但本次更多地聚焦在牠結識的新朋友:李素乙真實世界中的家人,異國短毛白貓Sunsim、虎斑Sumdol與山神Mr. Mimyohae的有趣互動,溫馨療癒的番外篇,除盼能暖進人心,她也試圖喚起觀者對生態永續議題的重視,隨著人類社會發展的快速增長,對生態系統造成莫大危機,為此她強調:「某物眼睛看不到,不代表它不存在,我期望人類和動物能夠過著共存幸福的生活。」。
Under Lee Soeul’s amazing brushstrokes, a fascinating parallel universe with lush green forests and numerous animals coexists beneath a dazzling azure sky adorned with wispy white clouds. With gentle lines and rich colors, she crafts imaginative scenes that evoke a delightful atmosphere. Her latest work continues the series initiated in 2022, with Iro the cat, still on his journey. However, this time, the focus is more on the new friends he encounters: Sunsim, a Exotic Shorthair, and Sundol, a tabby, both Lee Soeul’s real-world family. Their intriguing interactions with the mountain spirit, Mr. Mimyohae, shape heartwarming and healing side stories. Lee Soeul aims to warm the hearts of viewers, while also raising awareness of wildlife conservation. With the rapid growth of human society posing a significant threat to ecosystems, Lee Soeul emphasizes that “Just because something is invisible to our eyes does not mean that it does not exist. I hope humans and animals coexist and live happily.”
李素乙1983年生於釜山,2008年東亞大學美術系畢業後於韓國首爾、釜山及日本東京舉辦多場個展及聯展,2018年曾受東京千代田藝術中心之邀加入「Air 3331駐村計畫」,2022年首次登台於大雋藝術展出最新創作。
Lee Soeul was born in Busan in 1983. After graduating from Dong-A University Department of Fine Arts in 2008, Lee participated in various solo and groups exhibitions in Seoul, Busan, and Tokyo, and was even invited to join the artist in residence program “Air 3331” by 3331 Arts Chiyoda in 2018. Lee’s collaboration with Rich Art is the first time the artist’s works are showcased in Taiwan.
𓆸 ⋄ 李奈珍 Lee Najin ⋄ 𓆰
Diverse animals are shown in Lee Najin’s artwork with vibrant details, lively fur, brilliant eyes, and crowns and necklaces decorated with small pieces of jewels. The tiny, shimmering sparks come alive as one approaches and admire from different angles; and can even bring the characters to life. The animal’s eyes convey both confidence and curiosity. The paintings’ depictions of youth animals can be interpreted as a person’s childhood. Human lives consist of birth, childhood, adulthood, senior age, and death. The terror of an unknown world, unpredictability, and adult realities are similar to a journey that every person must experience at some point in their lives.
Something special to point out is that Najin uses the “Squeezing Technique”, which is a method of squeezing paints by putting them into tubes. The way of this special approach makes the paintings richer with many layers if you go closer. The light and shadow may look different from diverse distance or angle. Moreover, the background of the painting is detailed with the uneven surface and the subtle glitters, which provide shadows for viewers to discover the hidden stories.
Lee Najin was born in 1980 in Daejeon Gwangyeoksi, South Korea. In 2011, she completed her doctor’s degree in art at Hongik University, Seoul. Her artworks were not only exhibited in art organizations all over the country but also be invited to several galleries and fairs where in the capital cities such as London, New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong. She won Chunyowu Exhibition Award and Busan/Sungsan Art Exhibitoin Prize in Western painting and so on. Her works are now possessed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (2007) and Korea National Museum and Contemporary Art’s Art Bank (2008,2010).
The Journey of Fluffies — Group Exhibition 四人聯展
𓆸 藝術家 Artists
⋄ Lucia Heffernan
⋄ 白田誉主也 Hakuta Yoshuya
⋄ 李素乙 Lee Soeul
⋄ 李奈珍 Lee Najin
𓆸 日期 Date|2024/03/02 (六) — 2024/04/28 (日)
𓆸 時間 Time|週二至週日11:00–19:00 (週一公休)
𓆸 地點 Venue|大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery