價值移動中 — 黃麟詠個展

大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery
4 min readApr 7, 2023


Floating Values: Huang Lin-Yung Solo Exhibition

文|大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery

喜迎新年立春,大雋藝術很榮幸地邀請台灣當代藝術家黃麟詠舉辦2023年全新創作個展《價值移動中》,囊括數張突破歷年記錄的大尺幅作品,包羅驚人創作動能與鮮明個人語彙,除了採蒙太奇手法綜合自明性視覺符號,並靈活運用日常現實與新聞事件,緊扣當下時代,以諧擬方式呈現文化價值的嬗變,呈現不落俗套的有趣情節。 2月11日起至4月30日,邀請你齊來欣賞一幕幕意想不到的當代戲碼!

To celebrate Beginning of Spring 2023, Rich Art is honored to invite Taiwanese contemporary artist Huang Lin-Yung to present her new solo exhibition “Floating Values”. The series includes several large-format works that break Huang’s record of previous years, containing astonishing creative dynamics and clear personal statements. In addition to the use of montage of synthesize self-explanatory visual symbols, and the flexible approach of daily reality and news events, and the series closely follows the current times, expressing the transmutation of cultural values in a humorous way and presenting an interesting plot that is not clichéd. From February 11th to April 30th, Rich Art invites you to come and enjoy the unexpected spectacularly contemporary show!

綜觀黃麟詠近年作品,可見其繪畫基本構型結合日本浮世繪與西洋現代及古典繪畫,產生一種有趣的對應,她在圖像的符號取用上,將自我投射的擬人主體視角,轉換為流行文化、時事議題VS宗教繪畫,兩者經由圖像並置產生的訊息思考,關於:價值增值、宣傳功能、崇拜、偶像化、聖與俗的兩界等議題,符號同時反映著人類的各種欲望 — 對物質、對知識、對藝術、對休閒娛樂、對信仰的慾望。

The overview of Huang Lin-Yung’s recent works shows that its basic painting structure aligns with Japanese Ukiyo-e and Western modern and classic works. This creates an interesting correspondence since her choice of symbolic dialects in images transforms personal personified subjective perspective into pop culture and current affairs vs. religious painting. Through juxtaposing images, these two concepts inspire reflections regarding: increasing value, promotional functions, worship, idolizing, and the desire for knowledge, for art, for recreation and for faith.

96歲依然性感 96 and still sexy 195x270cm oil painting on canvas 2022
跨世代研究 Cross-Generation Research 180x153cm oil painting on canvas 2022 / 信仰的暴力 The Violence of Faith 195x193cm painting on canvas 2022


Tradition and new ideas run into each other from time to time, and in the process of collision, they grow and die with each other, allowing more space for dialogue and communication. Huang hopes her works will make the viewers to realize that the human values are not eternal and can be chosen and that when we encounter the conflicting voices, we should be more open-minded to accept them.

地方媽媽的休閒娛樂 Local moms need binge-watching 104×150cm 2022 / 藝術不要停 Art, Nonstop! 170x124cm 2021
黃麟詠 只有老娘擋得下這顆南瓜 Only me can stop this pumpkin 60x120cm 2023 / 馬上有錢鼠 Gotcha! The Mouse Brings Countless Money 83x65cm 2022


The past world has been washed away over the years and finally reverted to invisibility, and what remains has become an important basis for human ideologies. The main axis of thought, social structure and cultural values have already undergone qualitative and quantitative changes under the trend of globalization with the rapid flow of diversified information. In a contemporary art world where art and society are closely intertwined, Huang’s “cultural frolics” represent symbols that evoke new aesthetic and problematic reflections. At times it is ironic and absurd, at others romantic and humorous. It builds a “floating world” at our presence and speaks humorously the changes in beliefs and values as time moves on.

❖ 黃麟詠

1988年台灣台北出生,國立台灣藝術大學美術系畢業,2015至2017年成為院校駐村藝術家,現生活、創作於彰化。其作品擅長將西方古典繪畫以拼貼手法擷取浮世繪、普普藝術符號、世界名畫及當代名人與流行物件等圖像,產生視覺衝突感,以不同時代的風格相輝映,變成諧擬式的對話,象徵文化與文化間不停的拉扯與變動。作品除長年發表在國內藝術博覽會,海外部分亦備受關注,曾展於義大利利佛諾美術館、韓國首爾、中國蘇州,近年更受邀展出於桃園國際機場、台中國家歌劇院。2022年獲頒新賞獎 (ONE ART Award)優選。

Born in Taipei in 1988, A graduate of National Taiwan University of Arts Department of Fine Arts. Between 2015 and 2017, Huang Lin-Yung became the resident artist at the National Taiwan University of Arts Department of Fine Arts, and the artist currently lives and works in Changhua. Huang’s works are renowned for integrating elements from Ukiyo-e, Pop Art, world-famous paintings, contemporary celebrities, and objects of popular culture into classic western paintings through collage to create visual contrast, juxtaposing the styles of different periods to create a humorous dialogue that symbols the constant tug and changes between cultures. The artist received the ONE ART Award in 2022. Huang’s works have attracted attention across the art world and have been invited to be displayed at Livorno Fine Arts Museum in Italy, Taoyuan International Airport, and National Taichung Theatre.

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大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery
大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery

Written by 大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery

大雋藝術2015年11月在台中成立 Rich Art Gallery (DA JUN ARTS LTD.) based in Taichung City is established in 2015.

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