Le bal costume (The Costume Ball)
文|傅作新 Article by Fu Tso-Hsin
那個人在哪裡? 找的到嗎?在綻放華彩的花蔭下,或追著四處翻飛的鳳蝶,或隨著翠鳥鳴叫的方向,還是跟著河馬與狗留下的足印?尋尋覓覓沒有結果。
Where is that person? Can we find him?
Is he chasing the colorful fluttering swallowtail butterflies, following the sound of birdsong, or tracing the footprints of hippopotamus and dog under the flowers?
We seek, but cannot find.
There is a costume ball in the middle of the black forest, celebrating new life.The baby is sound asleep as light falls from the treetops.There is no one around, and not a sound is to be heard.
微風吹來,花葉動了,鳳蝶起飛了,翠鳥囀了,河馬探起頭來,狗兒來回奔走著…花語、蝶翅拍打聲、鳥啼聲、河馬吼聲、狗吠聲,異口同聲:「噓!安靜… 請不要吵醒嬰兒!」
A breeze arrives, the flowers and leaves move, butterflies take flight, and birds start to sing. The hippopotamus and dog start roaring and barking, saying: “Shush! Don’t wake the baby!”
The dancing pool becomes silent again. The baby remains sound asleep.
As the night ascends and moon rises, the trees are covered with glistening moonlight.The baby stirs and waves his or her little hands and feet, opening his or her black shiny eyes, looking left and right. The baby smiles.
“The baby is awake!”The flowers and leaves, swallowtail butterflies, birds, hippopotamus, and dog gather together, dancing and shouting cheerfully
“Let the costume ball begin!”“Come! Put on your best costumes and join us in the celebration of new life!”
Where is that person?He is nowhere to be seen!
The flowers and leaves, swallowtail butterflies, birds, hippopotamus, and dog say in unison:“We have found the person! We are that person!”The painter says.
—王維「辛夷塢」The magnolias on the top of the trees
Sprout red buds in the mountain.
In the cottage by the gully no one sees
They have blossomed and already fallen.
Magnolia Village by Wang Wei
This is a forest ball filled with color and glamour. The tall trees and branches create a dancing pool with their elegant posture. As the ball is lit by the sun and moon, the Spring flowers and Autumn leaves drift toward the ground, while birds with beautiful feathers chirp to the occasion. Charming butterflies flutter, and the grand hippopotamus and dog guard the surroundings…The ball is glamorous and lively, but the person is nowhere to be seen! Who is this forest ball for?
This new series is centered around the costume ball. The artist turns each piece of work into his own masquerade, inviting viewers to see his camouflage. However, only trees, flowers, birds, butterflies, and animals appear in the paintings; the artist is nowhere to be seen. Where is the artist?
The forest often appears in recent paintings of the artist. For the artist, the forest has significant meaning, representing the mountain forests of his childhood and his love for nature. The forest is a refuge for wounded hearts, a haven from the bustling world, the core of his inner world. The leaf veins are like the outer world, a miniature representation of society, and a metaphor of the complex relationships between people.
Flowers represent the most glamorous stages of life and the beginning of decline at the same time. We should all cherish the present, and avoid regretting missed beauties and happiness. The small flowers and detailed depictions of petals are the artist’s praise on the exciting moments in the different stages of life, reminding us to cherish the moment.
Birds symbol the awakening of childhood memories, as opposed to the sense of helplessness of adulthood and the fading of beauty.
Butterflies are fleeting forms of glamour and life.
The hippopotamus is the artist himself, a witness to his works.
The symbols mentioned above all represent the beauty and transience of life. The series of Le Bal Costume emphasizes the concept the fluidity of life since the moment of birth and the imminence of death. Cherish life and live to the fullest; treasure each moment and live your best self.
畫家此次不同以往的嚐試,將自己放入畫面中,侃侃地訴說著生命前所未有的感觸… 但這並非如照相寫真般的自我記實,因為直接面對、近距離接觸始終不是他自創作以來所喜好的表現視角。冷眼旁觀、保持適當距離,才是他看待主題的作法。然而,促成畫作開始展現自我存在的原因是什麼?竟讓他的「改變」是如此地自然而然?那是一股暖流從內心底層逐漸滿溢出來,心境的轉換讓創作的思維不同了,讓自己願意像個孩子般地在花、鳥、動物的形象間遊戲奔走,在畫中時而徜徉於密林、樹稍間,時而佇立在葉脈網紋上,或在表面突起猶如沙丘的背景上攀爬登高… 對於不惑之年的畫家來說,這樣的創作方式讓人驚艷、好奇,而造就改變的原因即是:新生命的到來。
The painter experimented with new methods and included himself in the works as he expresses his thoughts on life. However, these works are not realistic documentations of the self, since direct and close-range methods have never been a preference of the artist. Instead, the artist chooses a cool and distant perspective. What is the reason for the artist’s decision to include himself in such a natural way? The origin of this is a stream of warmth rising from the depth of the heart, transforming the mindset and allowing the artist to change into flowers, birds, and animals, roaming freely between the trees, on the vines of leaves, or on top of dunes, which is surprising and interesting for an artist in his forties. The reason for this transformation is the arrival of new life.
迎新生 Welcoming New Life
The heart of a new father is filled with ineffable joy. The arrival of life softens all previous distant and cold attitudes towards the world, guiding one from rational self-discovery and the blurry state between reality and illusion towards a land filled with light and love. From now on, each moment is filled with meaning, and the future is filled with hope. Life is no longer occupied with expectations of the self but added with a father’s blessing.
This is a costume ball that is never seen before. With flowers, bird feathers, or animal fur as adornments, dance and welcome the arrival of new life with a joyful heart!